2008年3月2日 星期日

1st time to visit house of friend and today is Mother's day

It was a really busy day that I ever had because I finally have somebody which is friend to visit of it is an experience which is quite expressive for me although we got somebody to visit regularly but it is a kinda different.

Us, me and Jany talked a lots about very different thing and she plays piano and she teaches me hmm...how much i remember...54321...left1+right135, left3+right to left2, 135... not sure i can remember all correct and met her dad he is cool like a cowboy her mum and bro I met them before they are all very nice.

Also find out something of my Maths teacher and i feel sorry for him...he is nice just face looks a bit scared and i think i would always like<-fancy/ him. he is a very good responsible man, i like caring peoples...

Afterward she walked me home because i think I will kinda got lost and i wish not late for home because Mrs LH come to get us to her house for dinner and today was Mother's day and i brought her a wee flower and two wee cheap bears really don't what should I get her she is not my mother but she just treats us like her children and always invite us for a dinner so get her something will be good and i like to send gift with surprise...

it's fun to xxxxx peoples<- you can guess whatever the xxxxx are

Also we watched a funny stupid movies about school and a group of peoples whom they had been kick out from collage and they has nowhere to go and they just found a old building which was a mental hospital and they just fixed the building and became a fake collage to cover the truth from family however when they realize their wish which they can do whatever they want in the fake collage the peoples whom had been kick out from school wish to be get in this this collage and became a big messes but everybody find out what they want to do at late but soon the fake collage discover by a evil head teacher and close down...don't worry, it's a happy ending and one of the guy uses Super-capacity bomb the evil head teacher 's car...it was funny he was about to get into his car and he saw how his car killed...

but in the real world it is impossible to crate a fake school like these so it just a movies
perhaps it may happen in the future, who knows?
